Common Cockroaches (Southwestern United States)

Domestic (In House) Cockroaches

German Cockroach
(Blatella germanica)

What is the Preferential Habitat?

Image of a German Cockroach Eating

German cockroaches tend to inhabit the same environments as humans; usually being found most prevalent in restaurants, hotels and, in some cases, nursing homes. This type of cockroach prefers areas in the temperature range of 59-95 ºF and its activity increases at night time. They are a thigmotactic insect which means they like to live in cracks and crevices; areas that are very enclosed.

How Quickly Do They Reproduce?

Image of a German Cockroach Oothecae

A typical German cockroach ootheca (casing for eggs) can have anywhere from 18-50 new cockroaches hatch from it. It also only takes about 50 days for a newly emerged German cockroach to go from hatching to adult and start reproducing themselves. These two things in conjunction are problematic in that if an infestation is not completely eradicated it only takes a few individuals to build that population back up in a relatively short amount of time.

Do They Transmit Disease?

Image of a German Cockroach Head Magnified

They are a mechanical vector of parasites and bacteria (carry the disease particles on their legs and bodies) that can cause a variety of diseases such as Tuberculosis, Salmonellosis, Giardiasis and Cholera. Infestations of German cockroaches has been attributed to asthma attacks in some individuals.

Peridomestic (Around House) Cockroaches

American Cockroach
(Periplaneta americana)

What is the Preferential Habitat?

Image of an American Cockroach

The largest of common pest cockroaches, the American cockroach is often times found in environments with high moisture as well as relatively high temperatures (84 ºF). They do not tolerate cold temperatures and can often be found in basements and sewer systems; occasionally they will move into yards if the weather is warm.

How Quickly Do They Reproduce?

Image of an American Cockroach with Ootheca

On average an American cockroach ootheca (casing for eggs) can hatch 9-10 nymphs. It takes between 6-12 months for a newly emerged American cockroach to go from hatchling to adult and start reproducing themselves.

Do They Transmit Disease?

Image of multiple American Cockroaches

American cockroaches secrete an odorous fluid which can alter the taste of food. High population infestations lead to an increased concentration of this odorous secretion which becomes far more noticeable that an infestation has taken place. This cockroach is also known to be a vector for Salmonella and other pathogens. High amounts of cockroach feces and body parts can lead to asthma in some individuals.

Turkestan Cockroach
(Blatta lateralis)

What is the Preferential Habitat?

Image of a Male and Female Turkestan Cockroach

This cockroach is often times referred to as the red runner or rusty red cockroach due to its coloration and is found typically outside in things such as electrical covers. If the area is especially humid and hot these cockroaches become much more of an indoor pest. These cockroaches are also kept by individuals for use as feeders for those who have pets of the reptilian nature.

How Quickly Do They Reproduce?

Image of a Turkestan Ootheca

Turkestan cockroaches produce, on average, 17 new nymph cockroaches in one ootheca. For a newly emerged cockroach to reach its adult stage takes approximately 180 days and they can live for up to one year from experience in lab settings.

Do They Transmit Disease?

Image of two Turkestan Cockroaches

These cockroaches are not typically associated with any diseases. However, like most cockroaches, they can possibly be a vector for things such as food poisoning and other pathogens if they carry the particles required on their bodies or legs onto a food that will be eaten.

Oriental Cockroach
(Blatta orientalis)

What is the Preferential Habitat?

Image of an Oriental Cockroach looking into the camera

This relatively large cockroach is often times found in areas with high humidity and heat (68-84 ºF). These cockroaches are highly nocturnal and a daytime inspection for infestation may show no signs. This cockroach prefers to hide in areas of a household that are damp such as near sinks and in basements.

How Quickly Do They Reproduce?

Image of Oriental Cockroach Oothecae

The ootheca for this cockroach often times and produce approximately 18 new Oriental cockroach nymphs. It then takes approximately 200 days for this cockroach to reach adulthood and they live about half a year. Turkestan cockroaches have recently become more of a pest roach than orientals due to their faster life cycle and longer lifespan.

Do They Transmit Disease?

Image of two Oriental Cockroaches near fecal deposits

Similar to Turkestan cockroaches in their environment, this cockroach is not specifically known for transmitting any specific diseases but could potentially be a vector for gastric diseases and other pathogens due to the ability to pick up these particulates on their body and legs and deposit them on food elsewhere.